Friday, March 28, 2008

The Essential Engstrom

The Essential Engstrom Proven Principles of Leadership
Ted W. Engstrom
Authentic Books
1820 Jet Stream Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80921
ISBN: 978-1-934068-06-9, 2007.
Reviewed for Reader Views.

Some people are leaders, while others are better off being followers. From the time we are children we are already looking for others to be leaders. Who doesn't like to be at the start of the line in the popular game "Follow the Leader?" Are leadership traits just inherited are some people just born leaders or can true leadership traits be learned? If you are a leader who is looking for principles of leadership and possible ways you can become a better leader you need to check out "The Essential Engstrom."

Ted W. Engstrom uses his experiences as presdient, CEO and board member of some of the most successful and largest Christian organizations. Where did he get his knowledge about being a terrific leader. He starts with the book with the best ever leader, Jesus Christ. He uses Holy Scripture references to bring out how leadership principles can be utilized. The Bible has a wealth of leaders in both the Old and New Testaments. There are certain characteristics that most all proven and successful leaders have. Do you have what it takes?

"The Essential Engstrom" is a terrific resource for ministry leaders, leaders in the workplace who want to use successful Biblical principles to enhance their positions and teachers who want to instill strong leadership traits through their students. There are plenty of practical strategies within the pages of this book. Anyone can put these principles to use and not be toted as "preachy." "The Essential Engstom" is an essential resource for any leader in the church, workplace or any one who wants to eventually be placed in a place of leadership.

If you want to "Follow the Leader" you will definitely want to read and put Ted Engstrom's principles to use in growing your business relationships and ultimately your faith in your God-given abilities.

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