Monday, April 2, 2007

My Heart's at Home

Title: My Heart's at Home
Author: Jill Savage
Harvest House Publishers, 2007
ISBN: 978-0-7369-1826-8

Have you ever tried to be everything to everyone? If you are a mother, you are everything from a nurse to a counselor to a tutor. As mothers, our families are of utmost importance to us. Jill Savage has written a book which would make a terrific addition to a family library. As she states in her book, "healthy relationships set us on our relationship track for the rest of their lives. The relationships we have with our parents and our siblings serve as the foundation for all future relationships in life."

Separated into individual chapters, you can learn all the different areas that a home should be. Our homes should be a safe house, rest area, trauma unit, church, pep rally, research lab, school, museum, playground, business office, hospitality house and cultural center. At the end of the book are specific questions to ask yourself or discussion questions for reading groups to share.

There are so many great tips in this book to try and briefly describe each part would definitely be an injustice. This is a such a great source book when dealing with our job in which we have the most impact, that being a mother.

Just as your home needs to be many different places all at the same time, mothers have so many different hats to wear. Each part of a family has their specific roles and responsibilities to maintain in order for the family to be the type of family that God wants us to be. When reading this book, I found myself making many notes in a notebook, so I could use them for quick reference when a specific circumstance would arise in my life.

"My Heart's At Home" is a terrific book by a very knowledgable author. Jill Savage is the founder of Hearts at Home which is an organization commited to helping moms love their life. I would definitely love to see Jill Savage write more books as useful as this one.

written for Reader Views, April 2007

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